Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Blog Tag- 10 ID Tags of a story by me.

Dorlana Vann, a fellow blogger and H.F.C. member has tagged me with this writing challenge.

I have to list 10 ways that a person could recognize a story written by me. Now Dorlana is really stressing me out, because I have to write a fairy- tale inspired feature story for her blog this month as a guest. If you have visited her blog, then you know it's a tall order. If you haven't visited her blog, the check out her link in my list over there on the right. (Go on- do it.) Plus I am working on NaNoEdMo, and another project for H.F.C.

Dang. I wish I was getting paid for all of this literary genius!

Ok. If you notice these 10 items in a story- then I'm very likely the author/and or offender.

1.This cute little punctuation ... Yes that one (...) Me likey the hanging pause!

2. A challenge to authority. (Snarky aren't I?)

3. Broad humor, or humorous dialogue.

4. Dialogue in general - and lots of it!

5. The Hero's Journey structure to plot- I don't know how I fumbled my way into this, but if you are familiar with the Hero's Journey then you know why.

6. Family issues or conflicts. -You write what you know:)

7. If you are editing my writing, you will certainly find misspellings. I personally don't cee it, but most pepole point that out to me.

8. A dark turn. Even in my comedies, there is always a dark dangerous middle.

9. Strong females. I was raised by women- much like a pack animal, and they have influenced my life and my stories.

10. Male leads who are dreamers/writers at heart. See comment on 6 :)

Okay. Now I have to post this or someone in Macomb, Alabama won't eat for a month, or some such chain-letter nonsense.

...And I have to tag 6 other bloggers.

So...If you're reading this, and you have a blog- beware!


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